The Glendale Tap

4227 San Fernando Rd
Glendale CA 91204
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm


Wed Sep 18 2024
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Bonafideus, God Of Truth, failed his lie detector test, the Proctor, a guy called Tim who looked like a dirt clod perched on a busted roof, said: “You failed, Bonafeed (to his friends)! I gotta make some calls!” And Tim did: he called the district attorney, a couple of sheriffs, some other detectives and even the janitor who was just then going to lunch but even he just “had to hear this.” “Get over here now!” Tim announced and when they arrived (even the janitor), Tim went: “Okay, you guys know this is Bonafeed. He’s the God Of Truth. He never lies. He’s no criminal. Right? Well, get a load of this!” And he passed Bonafeed’s test score around to everyone. Gobsmacked, they passed it around (even the janitor) and couldn’t believe it. “The God Of Truth failed a lie detector test?” they said at the exact same time (it was weird). The members of law enforcement stared hard at Bonafeed and said: “Sir, why did you fail this lie detector test? What crime have you committed?” And Bonafeed said: “I’ll tell you where this test went south for me. He asked me: ‘Which newspaper sold the most units in 2023?’ and I said: ‘New York Post’ and that was wrong.” Yes, Bonafeeds had not lied. He just got a trivia question wrong. Everyone in that interrogation room groaned in disappointment, except the janitor, who said to Bonafeeds: “I still think you should be arrested.” Here’s the point: Stuff like this happens at pub trivia nights all the time! Let’s talk!


Tonight’s Drinking Round was a competition to see who can do the best impression of someone from some unpopular show called Game Of Thrones. Garbagetown won. They always wi.n It’s not fair.


In third place tonight with 52 points was Matt Prosecco. Just one dude named Matt. Weird. In second place with 57 points was Rob’s Angels. And taking the night wit 63 points was the aforementioned Garbagetown. Come back next week for more King Trivia fun at the Glendale Tap!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 81511 Garbagetown 63 11 1.000
2 Rob’s Angels 57 10 0.909
3 Matt Prosecco 52 9 0.818
4 PotaytoePotahtoe 48 8 0.727
5 Qb 40 7 0.636
6 Book Lovers Never Go To Bed Alone 39 6 0.545
7 Boscoe 36 5 0.455
8 142917 Legolas 35 4 0.364
9 Glendale Tap This!! 30 3 0.273
10 Squeem Beeble 2 22 2 0.182
11 We dem boy 21 1 0.091
12 Sugar & Spice 22 0 0.000