The Glendale Tap

4227 San Fernando Rd
Glendale CA 91204
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm


Wed Feb 26 2025
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Alphabeus, God Of Spelling Bees, was finishing up the championship word—which was AUTOCHTHONOUS—he was thinking about what he was gonna have for lunch, so he almost got it confused with ANCHOVY and had to start again. In front of five planets watching, Alph (to his friends) said: May I start again?” The Universe sighed and said: “Start again.” And Alph went again from the top: “Autochthonous. A. U. T. O.—“ And then again, Alph’s mind wondered and started to think about what kind of car he was gonna take to the anchovy place. (A lot of people only see anchovies things you put on pizza, but Alph was one of those gods that liked ‘em straight out of the bag, A date once asked him: “You don’t get them on pizza?” and Alph said: “I eat them out of a bag. You know…like at the movies.” Once these thoughts ruled his roost, he had to start again: “Sorry, I’m getting distracted up here. Can I start again?” And at that, Zeus (Zed to his friends) chimed in from on high and said: “One more delay, Alph, and I’ll send this entire universe into the wood chipper.” And with that, Alph buckled down and said: “A.U.T.O.C.H.T.O.N.O.U.S.” and shot five hundred miles into the air, eschewing his winning trophy so as to get to the anchovy house before it closed. Here’s the point: This is exact ting happened last night at the Glendale Tap on King Trivia Night. Let’s talk!


The Drinking Round was a Wednesday Off: the best dance impression of Wednesday’s dance from The Adams Family took free drinks and When In Ramen took it. It was the look of disdain while doing the dance that won the judges (me) over. Beers!


In third place tonight, with a score of 60 points, was the aforementioned When In Ramen. And taking second in a vampire-themed tie-breaker was Foxymoron with a score of 65 points. In first place, also with 65 was Live Laugh Love! Come back next week for King Trivia fun at the Glendale Tap!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Foxymoron 65 9 0.950
1 Live Laugh Love 65 9 0.950
3 131792 When in Ramen 60 8 0.800
4 Speakeasy 50 7 0.700
5 Boogie Down 48 6 0.600
6 Matt Chardonnay 42 4 0.450
6 153390 Luka DonkThicc 42 4 0.450
8 Jam Solo 35 3 0.300
9 win, place, show 36 2 0.200
10 98077 Queen Bees 35 1 0.100
11 149393 Even More Queen Bees 30 0 0.000