Trademark Brewing

233 E Anaheim Street
Long Beach CA 90813
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
  • Trademark: Holiday Time Change—
    Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 @ 4:00pm


Wed Jan 18 2023
| by Quizmaster Jason Zlatkus

New record! 25 teams tonight! This is the place to be! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16943 Cheez & Quackers 87 24 1.000
2 Make America Great Britain Again 71 23 0.958
3 Something suboptimal 67 22 0.917
4 I’m here and I’m beer 65 21 0.875
5 87372 Velveeta and Wonder Bread 56 20 0.833
6 Vandelay industries 54 18 0.771
6 dandelion 54 18 0.771
8 Quizteama Aguilera 49 16 0.688
8 Sweet Sweet Trivia Baby 49 16 0.688
10 77516 Still looking for parking 46 14 0.604
10 84293 The good time soldiers 46 14 0.604
12 Smarty pints 45 13 0.542
13 Botty's Pirate 44 12 0.500
14 77525 This Beach 43 11 0.458
15 Bristlecones, Baryshnikov, and Beans 42 10 0.417
16 Terrible Twos 38 9 0.375
17 Soap and the Bubbles 37 8 0.333
18 Business Bitchez 36 7 0.292
19 New Year, New Name 34 6 0.250
20 Peppy poptartz 30 5 0.208
21 APE 29 4 0.167
22 Keg Stand 27 3 0.125
23 Truth or Consequences 25 2 0.083
24 THE Quesarito Trio 22 1 0.042
25 The Raccons 19 0 0.000