Trademark Brewing

233 E Anaheim Street
Long Beach CA 90813
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
  • Trademark: Holiday Time Change—
    Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 @ 4:00pm


Wed Jun 28 2023
| by Quizmaster Jason Zlatkus

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16943 Cheezy Like Sunday Morning 67 18 0.974
1 96803 Beer me up, Scotty 67 18 0.974
3 75807 I'm here and I'm beer 66 17 0.895
4 Guts Guts 57 16 0.842
5 Soap and the Bubbles 55 15 0.789
6 Spear and Magic Helmet 50 14 0.737
7 Fellowship of the beer 45 13 0.684
8 Meyer Lemons 44 12 0.632
9 102676 Renesmee 43 10 0.553
9 1AmigoDown 43 10 0.553
11 Gang gang 42 9 0.474
12 Shake n' Bake 40 8 0.421
13 Beers for Fears 39 7 0.368
14 2 37 6 0.316
15 52700 Cosplay Boys 36 5 0.263
16 102678 Team Dumpster Fire 35 4 0.211
17 Sour and sensibility 34 3 0.158
18 Big Figgy Moo Boss 23 2 0.105
19 Puzzle pieces 17 1 0.053
20 Beerocrats 11 0 0.000