GrandTen Bar

383 Dorchester Ave
Boston MA 02127
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:00pm


Thu Jan 20 2022
| by Quizmaster Phil Oxnard

The night started out with fierce competition as our teams all came out of the gate strong. It didn't take long, though, for The Bartenders to hit the gas and speed into a comfortable lead ahead of the other teams. After a grand slam of a guess who round, though, Chamber of Secrets managed to go toe to toe with the dominant bartenders. At the end of the day, though, nothing compares to the wisdom and trivia prowess of a well-traveled bartender, and the power duo ended up taking the victory.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 48118 Team bartenders 45 3 1.000
2 48117 Jimmy peed the bed 33 2 0.667
3 48116 Chamber of secrets 27 1 0.333
4 31949 It's Phil 0 0 0.000