The Redd Dog

2805 6th Ave
Tacoma WA 98406


Tue Dec 5 2023
| by Quizmaster Amanda Kowalski

We had a big lovely group come out tonight for trivia! The winner of dumbest team name (and a free drink from me) went to Let's make butt tonight. It made me laugh the whole night despite my best efforts. Our winners were a meet up group of strangers that came together and brought the house down with their rendition of Sweet Caroline during a scoring break. And we all learned that as much as we love Blade Runner, not one group knew who the heck Roy Batty was.

Let's all whistle the theme for the Harlem Globetrotters next time we see each other for another round of trivia 🙂

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 117636 Rainy Day Rascals 48 6 1.000
2 Let’s Make Butt Tonight 36 5 0.833
3 117639 Salted Caramel 35 4 0.667
4 123 32 3 0.500
5 The ones with the kidzzz 29 2 0.333
6 100918 prospects 27 1 0.167
7 117635 Did you get the memo? 26 0 0.000


Tue Nov 28 2023
| by Quizmaster Amanda Kowalski

Thanks everyone for coming out tonight! Super cold and it looks like Silent Hill with all this fog, so you all are champs for coming out for trivia 🙂

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 117031 Wombats 46 6 1.000
2 117032 Poncho boys 44 5 0.833
3 117029 Gryffinwhores 36 4 0.667
4 Nunyabizness 28 3 0.500
5 117028 MrBoJangles 27 2 0.333
6 117027 I quizzed my pants 25 1 0.167
7 Sissy is the cutest 21 0 0.000


Tue Nov 21 2023
| by Quizmaster Amanda Kowalski

It was Disney night at Redd Dog! And what a magical evening we had. I think we all learned that Magical Realms are really hard to remember. My free drink of the night went to my favorite team name Our Lord and Savior Taylor Swift because it made me laugh so hard I couldn't finish reading the rest of the team standings.

Our winners this evening were the only team to double a round and they doubled three times! What a magical night for them. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'll see the regular trivia nerds next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 116543 Theatre Nerds 81 8 1.000
2 116536 Harborview Handshakes 49 7 0.875
3 116538 Our Lord and Savior, Taylor Swift 41 6 0.750
4 MainMouseMania 33 5 0.625
5 116527 More Humble Than You 29 4 0.500
6 116542 2 Old Men 25 3 0.375
7 91652 ICE Breakers 22 2 0.250
8 Magical luck 20 1 0.125
9 116539 Disney princesses 👑👑 12 0 0.000