The Redd Dog

2805 6th Ave
Tacoma WA 98406


Tue Aug 22 2023
| by Quizmaster Amanda Kowalski

Thanks for having me Redd Dog! I used to play trivia here before I became a quiz master and here I am hosting! My old quiz team came out to play with us, you may have heard them since they are always the loudest team in the room. Had a blast, maybe I'll come back again soon!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 91652 ICE Breakers 60 10 1.000
2 108131 What was our team name again? 50 9 0.900
3 91633 HARBORVIEW HANDSHAKES 41 8 0.800
4 108129 Big ass footzies 39 7 0.700
5 6 degrees of Jess 36 6 0.600
6 95854 Blueberry Pickers 34 5 0.500
7 108130 Jenjoys 32 4 0.400
8 risky quizness 31 3 0.300
9 Keith and the Cooties 27 2 0.200
10 108132 The Easy Squeezys 23 1 0.100
11 Luna’s Parents 14 0 0.000


Tue Aug 15 2023
| by Quizmaster Redd Dog

A few minutes before the game, Redd's Point of Sale system crashed, which means this was the most sober round of trivia I've ever seen. Scores ended up where they always do, but we were a little quieter without that liquid courage 😞 Winnie girls found themselves tied for first for the THIRD TIME in the past few weeks. They and the Potatoes are becoming... what's the opposite of "bitter" rivals? We'll have to figure out a name for the feud next week. Try to stay cool, & I'll see you next week. -Emilie

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 91630 potatoes 55 8 0.944
1 91635 Winnie Girls 55 8 0.944
3 91629 Fatty Acyls 49 7 0.778
4 things eric cartmen hates: 41 6 0.667
5 107404 We're Really Trying Here 40 4 0.500
5 Prospects 40 4 0.500
7 Cootie and the Keiths 38 3 0.333
8 THE EXPECTING 3 25 2 0.222
9 107403 SomethingFun 21 1 0.111
10 91633 HARBORVIEW HANDSHAKES 20 0 0.000


Tue Aug 8 2023
| by Quizmaster Redd Dog

We did it!! 200 shows! So many laughs, drafts, cheers, groans, and "i-told-you-so"s. Thank you to my dad, coworkers, and friends for showing up for the big 2-0-0. Pictured above: Bear Snacks & Kickin' Asphalt, Potatoes, Blue Barracudas, Super Naturalists, & a candid of everybody w/ their thinking faces. See you for show #201 next week ❤️ -Emilie

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 91629 Fatty Acyls 61 13 1.000
2 91630 potatoes 56 11 0.885
2 106671 Team Bear Snacks 56 11 0.885
4 The Super-Naturalist 55 10 0.769
5 98384 High Stool Dropouts 51 9 0.692
6 91634 Blue Barracudas 49 8 0.615
7 99644 Run VFD 46 7 0.538
8 105910 Cootie and the Keiths 43 5 0.423
8 106670 Kickin' Asphalt 43 5 0.423
10 the seven scoundrels 33 4 0.308
11 dantastic 32 1 0.103
11 93757 REO Pump Station 32 1 0.103
11 Sam & Dean 32 1 0.103
14 Harborview Handshake 20 0 0.000