HiDef Brewing Company
1203 South Olive StreetLos Angeles CA 90015
(213) 973-5350
All the fun in the world was had at Hi-Def Brewing! Lots of questions! A few dogs! Two dogs kept giving me the eye. Like they thought I was the enemy. They probably think that's why their owners only came in second place, but I run a tight ship! Let's talk.
The Bartender won! Allan, AKA Hello took the whole thing with 36 points. He served himself the winning beer and then drank it! In second place with points but first place with dogs was Mochi Ice Cream with 28 points! Ruff-ruff. Their dogs took the disapponiment in stride.
Come back next week for more trivia fun at Hi-Def Brewing!
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | Hello | 36 | 2 | 1.000 | |
2 | 80083 | Mochi ice cream | 28 | 1 | 0.500 |
3 | Bday Gang | 16 | 0 | 0.000 |
Fun was had by all at Hi Def last night. In fact, the evening was singularly contested. The Taco Team took it all. The Taco Team WAS all! Their dogs had no pants, but they were otherwise clothed. Let's talk:
They got seventeen points and won! Not too many teams can do that, but Taco Team did. They knew Cruella De Ville and Magic Mike-related stuff, and that's not only all you need to know to win at trivia but also all you need to know to win at life! Great job, Taco Boys! I told them to come back next week because they'd probably win again!
Come back to Hi Def every Tuesday at 7:00 for more King Trivia fun!
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | The Taco Team | 17 | 0 | 0.000 |
Huge fun and fun times for all involved at Hi Def tonight! Questions about Barry White and Russian women astronauts abounded! Let's talk:
Anthony wasn't gonna play. I ordered him to. He was gonna call his team of one Anthony until I convinced him to go with Tony Baloney. He immediately agreed which means I should be a motivational speaker. Mr. Baloney ended the night with 7 points and I promise not to tell anyone.
Father/Daughter team King$ Fans left early because they had to a go to some sporting event or something. Curling, maybe? Their final score is 16 and I hope they had fun elsewhere, though I don't know how.
And running away with the night was Team Scheisty with 46 points! Come back next week for more King Trivia fun at Hi Def Brewing!
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | Team Scheisty | 46 | 2 | 1.000 | |
2 | 83285 | King$ Fanz | 16 | 1 | 0.500 |
3 | 83284 | Tony boloney | 7 | 0 | 0.000 |