Murphy's Pub

1928 N 45th St
Seattle WA 98103
(206) 634-2110
About Murphy's Pub

On May 18, 1981, a year after Mt. St. Helen's blew, Seattle's first Irish bar opened: Murphy's Irish Pub. That's right. We've been around for more than thirty years. When Chris Barnes and Dan Cowan originally opened Murphy's, it stood where Starbucks stands today, a half a block to the east (a Radio Shack stood on the corner of 45th and Meridian, where Murphy's is today). Dan left shortly after (and went on to open The Tractor Tavern in Ballard), while Chris slowly built a Seattle institution. For years, its stage was host to the nationally syndicated Sandy Bradley's Potluck, a sort of Prairie Home Companion of Seattle, featuring traditional old-time American music, ragtime and blues to movie cartoon sound tracks and novelty songs. Being the first Irish pub, it managed to log a few firsts along the way: the first bar in Seattle to start a St. Patrick's Day tradition, the first bar in Seattle to pour micro brews from the tap (Redhook opened in Fremont in 1982), and first in the hearts of its patrons all the way. On February 12th, 2015, Murphy's Pub reopened under new management and ownership. The new crew is Phil and Chelley Bassett, and Eamonn Davey. After the much needed facelift, you'll find that Murphy's is still pretty much the same: a bar in the Irish tradition, where you can chit chat with friends over a Guinness or Murphy's and other great Northwest beers, dine on great tasting food, listen to some live music a few nights a week (Irish music jam session on Mondays), and just relax after a long day.


Tue Nov 21 2017
| by Quizmaster Max Needle

Murphy's was a blast. The Seattle Sounders were on TV and everyone was in great spirits for the game and trivia.

Six teams had at least one perfect round, many of them being double-downed on. The turkey-themed Find-the-Connection round was a big favorite. The scores on the final round (Which states have the most universities?) were incredible!

Happy Thanksgiving. See you next week, -- Quizmaster Max

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Lady Birds 68 11 1.000
2 11874 Munch Squad 63 10 0.909
3 Happy 494th Bday Duke John II 49 9 0.818
4 Don't Touch me with your crusty claw 45 8 0.727
5 Terry Schiavos 39 7 0.636
6 10728 Direwolves 38 6 0.545
7 Team Sweden 37 5 0.455
8 Punk in Drublic 34 4 0.364
9 Leftovers 28 3 0.273
10 Cantankerous 23 2 0.182
11 Sounders and Fury 21 1 0.091
12 Max is Handsome 20 0 0.000


Tue Nov 14 2017
| by Quizmaster Max Needle

While dog days of summer are pretty far in the rearview mirror, the trivia-playing patrons of Murphy's seemed to have a "dog night," with many dog-themed team names and several canine participants. One golden dog (who was very sweet and friendly to me) tried to eat my stack of papers for the picture round!

Tuesday Trivia produced a lot of high scoring rounds. In the first round, five teams had perfect scores and/or double-or-nothing's. The fifth round (Find-the-Connection) however, produced nine 9/10, 10/10, and 20/10 scores. The connection was playing cards, and all of the teams got the question about one of my favorite movies (Ace Ventura) correct -- great job! The Direwolves and the Diggity Dawg Dubs knew the most band fonts in the 2nd round, and Hair of the Dog pulled a double-or-nothing on the Billy, Billie, and Gene (third) round. Bred this Way and Dog Maisie were other dog-themed teams last night, and despite their non-dog name, Clam Slam also had a dog playing for their team.

I had a lot of fun last night. See you next week, --Quizmaster Max

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 No Russians Here, Comrade 61 12 1.000
2 12506 Hair of the Dog 60 11 0.917
3 Clam Slam 48 10 0.833
4 Bred this way 46 8 0.708
4 10728 Direwolves 46 8 0.708
6 B Squad 42 7 0.583
7 Come from behind kids 38 6 0.500
8 Diggity Dawg Dubbs 33 5 0.417
9 Speedsters 25 4 0.333
10 Hops and Barley 19 3 0.250
11 Team W 18 2 0.167
12 Dog Maisie 17 1 0.083
13 Graduates + Mak 14 0 0.000


Tue Nov 7 2017
| by Quizmaster Max Needle

It was a fine night at Murphy's again -- the fireplace and cheerful teams and spirits kept us warm during this chilly Seattle night. Tacos! Tacos! Tacos! resumed their position as the leaders for the night, coming up from behind our two other leading teams, Bed, Bath, and Beyonce and Congratulations, Danica, in the 6th round. Hail Sagan and New City Council each had great nights with perfect rounds (4th and 1st, respectively). Employee who deleted Trump's twitter account fittingly knew the millionaire/billionaire-picture round. The Direwolves got 9/10 on the Find-the-Connection round, and East Coast Beast Coast cleaned up in the final round with the top-grossing WWII films. Not surprisingly, the ladies choir team, Tyranno-Chorus Rex was one of the few teams that knew the "Bungalow Bill" Beatles question. Nice work, to all!

See you next week, --Quizmaster Max

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Tacos! Tacos! Tacos! 58 14 1.000
2 10130 Bed, Bath, and Beyonce 55 13 0.929
3 11874 Congratulations, Danica 52 12 0.857
4 Hail, Sagan 49 11 0.786
5 New City Council 48 10 0.714
6 10728 Direwolves 46 9 0.643
7 Employee who deleted trumps twitter 45 8 0.571
8 Tyranno-Chorus Rex 40 7 0.500
9 East Coast Beast Coast 38 6 0.429
10 12059 A Deako in Every Box 37 5 0.357
11 Longhorn 32 4 0.286
12 KB 31 3 0.214
13 Masters of None 27 1 0.107
13 So Many Dogs 27 1 0.107
15 Llama llama 23 0 0.000