Barnacles Bar & Grill

837 Hermosa Ave.
Hermosa Beach CA 90254
(310) 798-9064
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 8:00pm


Mon Feb 19 2024
| by Quizmaster Matt Gwin

Barnstenders controlled the lead for the whole game, but Mediocre+ surged late, doubling round 6 to pull within one point, then slipping into first with 9 in the final round to beat Barnstenders by 1. Sandy Wednesdays got third by one over 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Mediocre+ 63 11 1.000
2 98911 Barnstenders 62 10 0.909
3 43721 Sandy Wednesdays 54 9 0.818
4 122149 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 53 8 0.727
5 Former President James Taylor 49 7 0.636
6 16661 Mr. Poopybutthole 38 6 0.545
7 124948 The Girls 36 5 0.455
8 The Burps 29 4 0.364
9 75622 #16661 Mr. Poopybutthole 0 0 0.023
9 Just lookin 0 0 0.023
9 that beesh 0 0 0.023
9 Blue 0 0 0.023


Mon Feb 12 2024
| by Quizmaster Matt Gwin

🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 and Genghis Ghan each had four perfect rounds, but Genghis Gone doubled all four of them while 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 weren't quite confident enough to double round six, which left them in second place. The two of them beat the rest of the field by almost 20 points. Barnstenders narrowly bested Mr. Dinkel's Sprinkles for third place, and Sandy Wednesdays got the drinking round.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Genghis Gone 77 8 1.000
2 122149 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 72 7 0.875
3 Bars-tenders 54 5 0.688
3 98911 Barnstenders 54 5 0.688
5 Mr Dinkles Sprinkles 52 4 0.500
6 Santos L. Halper 48 3 0.375
7 43721 Sandy Wednesdays 46 2 0.250
8 The Dixie Chicks 33 1 0.125
9 124164 TSWIFTN 22 0 0.000


Mon Feb 5 2024
| by Quizmaster Matt Gwin

Just Joe led start to finish in this one, doubling the first round and never looking back. Barnstenders salvaged second despite a blown double in round 3, and Harlots+2, despite arriving in round 2, tied for third with Robert Underdunk Terwilliger Jr and defeated him in a tiebreaker.

MrPoopybutthole won the drinking round. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 89345 Just Joe 53 6 1.000
2 98911 Barnstenders 42 5 0.833
3 Robert Underdunk Terwilliger, Jr. 38 3 0.583
3 123200 Harlots +2 38 3 0.583
5 16661 Mr. Poopybutthole 36 2 0.333
6 9th St Neighbors 27 1 0.167
7 75622 #16661 Mr. Poopybutthole 0 0 0.000