Tapster- Philadelphia

1601 Sansom St
Philadelphia PA 19103
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Tapster- Philadelphia
  • Opened on 8/18/23
  • Largest self-pour tasting room in Philly
  • 54 Taps to sample - guests pay by the ounce as they try our taps
  • Taps include Beer, Wine, Cider, Cocktails, Kombucha, Cold Brew, and Sodas
  • We offer full food menu including burger, wings, loaded tots, calamari, fish tacos, and more
  • Fresh popcorn and local beef jerky for sale here too
  • Shots and neat pour liquor for sale too


Tue Apr 30 2024
| by Quizmaster Claire Nguyen

It was a beautiful evening tonight - hopefully the warm weather is finally here to stay. Tapster, as always, had us covered with ice cold brews of all sorts, and King Trivia was there to bring the quizzo! Battling it out for first were Purple dawgs and bitbangers - each round alternated with one of these two taking a narrow lead. The final winner was Purple dawgs, with bitbangers taking a close second and The Daring Dragons rounding out our top three. Winners, as always, get to choose between money off their tab or a round of victory shots. See you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 132103 Purple dawgs 37 8 1.000
2 bitbangers 34 7 0.875
3 The Daring Dragons 30 6 0.750
4 132081 Coffin Flop 15 4 0.563
4 Felladelphia 15 4 0.563
6 Just The Tap 8 3 0.375
7 Team Latch 3 2 0.250
8 Cook blub 0 0 0.063
8 132111 Cook Blub 0 0 0.063


Tue Apr 23 2024
| by Quizmaster Claire Nguyen

It was another beautiful Tuesday evening tonight - hopefully this spring weather is finally here to stay! - and of course another great game of trivia here at Tapster Philly. The group tonight brought a really great energy level, with just about every announcement of a correct answer being met by a chorus of relieved sighs and disappointed groans. Team Dave and Chelsea held on to their early lead and finished in first place, just one point ahead of The Know It Alls and Rocky Balboaner, who were tied for second. The tie-breaker round was ALSO remarkably close, but The Know It Alls just edged into second place, leaving Rocky Balboaner in third. I saw them with their complementary round of victory shots and they seemed to be taking the tie-breaker defeat well! Thanks as always to everyone for coming out and for Tapster for being the coolest venue anyone could hope for - already looking forward to next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Drew and Chelsea 50 12 1.000
2 128729 the know it alls 47 10 0.875
2 126746 Rocky Balboaner 47 10 0.875
4 Liquor? I hardly know her 46 9 0.750
5 Rocky balboner 43 8 0.667
6 espresso mytitties 37 7 0.583
7 Lady dips 32 6 0.500
8 131443 Dirty Hens 30 5 0.417
9 Team Nilanators 27 4 0.333
10 131466 Hannah’s bananas 25 3 0.250
11 Gator Tails 22 1 0.125
11 haircut 22 1 0.125
13 131450 Too Old 21 0 0.000


Tue Apr 16 2024
| by Quizmaster Claire Nguyen

Welcome spring, the season of day drinking! This lovely evening had us all in a fun mood for tonight's trivia. Regular team Rocky Balboaners took the top prize and a round of free celebratory shots - Team Orange took second and took some money off their tab and Mimi Was Late came in third, also choosing celebratory shots. Hope the weather finally stays warm and we see you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Rocky Balboaners 51 3 1.000
2 Team orange 38 2 0.667
3 130802 Mimi was late 33 1 0.333
4 Benny and the Jets 31 0 0.000