Tilted Mash

9175 Union Park Way
Elk Grove CA 95624
About Tilted Mash


Wed Jul 14 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

Tonight had such a great crowd that even some of the staff working food service outside wanted to form teams and get in on the trivia fun as you can see from the pics!


Tonight we saw the return of Parental Irresponsibility joined by seven new teams. One of the best parts of this job, which now sounds like i'm just adding to a list of reasons to love being a trivia host, are the joke answers and team names. On that note, i'll introduce a new team Squat N'Gobble. On a  light break I met a few members of this team and we were able to nerd out over medical science. As it turns out, one member held a PhD in Pharmacology, and I remembered I never really removed my work badge from my other job at the vet hospital, so we had a wonderful time geeking out over our slightly overlapped sciences. 

******************Fun Fact of the Week*************************

Lets take a slight break from the animal science fun fact and focus on what happened on this day in history. With the celebrations from the 4th of July far behind us, there was just one final bang that occurred on this day in 1881. Henry McCarty AKA William H. Bonney AKA Wm. Wright AKA Henry Antrim AKA "Billy the Kid". This outlaw escaped prison twice, killed eight men, fought in the Lincoln County War, and was eventually found in Fort Sumner, New Mexico, three months after his last prison escape and was fatally shot. Many people stepped forward claiming to be him even after his death. All of the history made the name that is even recognized to this day make it hard to believe that he was only 21 when he died.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 29496 Parental Irresponsibility 47 7 1.000
2 29504 We Need Help 33 6 0.857
3 29491 The Peanut Gallery 29 5 0.714
4 29492 Rock Gang 🪨 28 4 0.571
5 29505 Inebriated Quandries 13 3 0.429
6 29495 Squat N'Gobble 7 2 0.286
7 29501 Steve oooo 6 1 0.143
8 29494 Beer Rocks 3 0 0.000


Wed Jul 7 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

Happy week of the 4th of July everyone. Speaking of Independance day, time to bring you some Independance Day themed fun facts!

***************Fun Trivia Fact of the Week****************

Did you know that the Declaration of Independance really didn't have most of its action occurring on the 4th of July. It was actually on July 2nd, 1776 that Congress accepted the Declaration of Independance, and they adopted the Constitution two days later. John Adams always thought the annual celebration should be on the 2nd, so when President Jefferson invited to one of the first annual celebrations on July 4th, he refused, and he continued for every single annual celebration standing firm that festivities should be on the 2nd. Additionally, only two signatures were added to the Declaration on July 4th, with most signatures being added as late as August. Also, of the 54 signatures, some event recanted their allegiance to the newfound nation. 

Tonight's trivia had a lot of wonderful spirit as one of the new employees at the Tilted Mash wanted to have the festivities in the front room rather than the back. These teams cheered each other on through the rounds, though each seemed to keep their space on the leaderboard throughout. Parental Irresponsibility claimed responsibility of 68 point!! This is record breaking from my experience in trivia. I will definitely keep an eye out for this team in future evenings here at the Tilted Mash.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 29095 Parental Irresponsibility 68 4 1.000
2 29090 In the Heights 59 3 0.750
3 29094 Here for the Beer 36 2 0.500
4 29097 Tilted Masters 22 1 0.250
5 29093 The Dream Team 20 0 0.000


Wed Jun 30 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

I walked into work to find quite a few people enjoying a great night out together, and many of them did not know trivia was taking place that night when they arrived, so they were in for a treat! We greeted back teams that hadn't been to the venue in some time, and as i've said it is wonderful to see people returning to normalcy as this pandemic winds down.

These new-to-me teams and I engaged in the seven wonderful rounds of banter as the teams engaged in playful competitive comments with each other. As the dust settled, the "Defending Champs" earned their name beating out the second place team by over 10 points. 

************Spotlight On Our Teams******************

Today, I was greeted at my host table by a member of "SnoopDoggPretzelBitez". What started as a point of clarification about our question of the day evolved in a great conversation with this woman who turned out to work for the city of Elk Grove and was passionate about preserving history. In honor of her passion, I thought it only appropriate to share a brief snippet of information on Elk Grove's history as the fun trivia fact of today.

************Fun Trivia Fact of the Day*****************

Elk grove was started as stage stop and hotel for travellers coming from Sacramento and the Bay area. In 1850, being founded as the Elk Grove Hotel for which the town was later named. In 1868, the central pacific railroad was being constructed one mile east of the current hotel, so a new hotel was constructed closer to it. For over 100 years, the town served as a farming staple. It wasn't until Elk Grove was desired to be a welcoming town for those wishing to commute from the Bay area that the suburban housing projects that started in the 1980s took off which lead to the town's incorporation in 2000 going on to welcome it's greatest employer in terms of number of employees, Apple Inc.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 28775 Defending Champs 50 3 1.000
2 28771 Awesome!!! 39 2 0.667
3 28776 SnoopDoggPretzelBitez 37 1 0.333
4 28769 Nachyo Average Team 18 0 0.000