Tilted Mash

9175 Union Park Way
Elk Grove CA 95624
About Tilted Mash


Wed Jun 2 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

The teams all assembled at the last minute like they were arriving to a showdown!

Tonight's teams were all new. We had "CCHCS", "3rd Place", and "Gimme a Chance" square off. All teams were so supportive of each other and their spirit really cultivated a fun game night for all 🙂

At the end of the night, "3rd place" stayed true to their name, "Gimme a chance" came in second, and our long acronym team took home the SSILGT (Super Sized Incredibly Large Golden Trophy). 

***********Spotlight on our Teams***************
Today, I was able to sit down with our team "Gimme a Chance" composed of Julissa, Carra, and Chance. Their rescue dog, Chance, was four years old and the inspiration of their team name! Hoping to see this group again soon!

************Fun Trivia Fact of the Week******************

Ethology is the science and study of animal behavior. To date, there is no one test to determine animal intelligence, but from what ethologists have gathered, there are some very intelligent species in our animal kingdom. The focus tonight is on the gray parrot, who displayed incredible intelligence during the mirror test and asked the first existential question. After examining himself in the mirror for a few minutes, ethologists already had gathered enough data to show the animal was able to recognize itself which was a high bar in intelligence. Then he asked "What color?". This was the first existential question asked by an avian. Ethologists proudly let him know he was gray.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 27503 CCHCS 34 2 1.000
2 27502 Gimme A Chance 23 1 0.500
3 27504 3rd Place 19 0 0.000


Wed May 26 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann


Wed May 19 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

 A record breaking turnout at this venue when we had five teams playing with us tonight. Even folks sitting on the patio who arrived after trivia started were eager to play. There'll be plenty of room for them to join our ranks next week.

We celebrated the return of "The Poplawskis", "Le Tigre", and "Just for Fun" and the arrival of some new challengers "Mashed Po'Tayos" and "Stressed Parents". Unfortunately, "Stressed Parents" had to leave before the final round, but there score was high enough to carry them to first place! Could these be the contenders to dethrone "Just For Fun"? We'll see if they'' be back to officially take home the first place bragging rights next time!

***********Spotlight On Our Teams****************
I was surprised to see "Just for Fun" with a team size of only three this week, but this time all three were knitting. I couldn't resist the opportunity for a picture. This time a family member joined them, but had to leave partway into round one to attend a class.

"The Poplawskis" made their return to the game after a month long break. We were able to talk albeit briefly. I learned that they are two lifetime locals of the Sacramento area. Welcome back, Chad and Michelle!

***********Fun Trivia Fact of the Week***********

I love nothing more than to bring you fun animal science fun facts. What can I say, I like taking my other job home with me. Did you know that there are animals that never stop growing? These are known as intermediate growers and include species of shark, lizards, coral, and amphibians. Contrary to popular belief, I am not on that list. I (hopefully) have stopped growing.

Quizmaster's Score: 8. 
Don't put me on your team, but it shows how tough our games are. Come test your knowledge!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 27024 Stressed Parents 33 4 1.000
2 26542 Just For Fun 32 3 0.750
3 26811 Le Tigre 31 2 0.500
4 27023 Poplawski’s 22 1 0.250
5 27017 Mashed Po'Tayos 21 0 0.000