Tilted Mash

9175 Union Park Way
Elk Grove CA 95624
About Tilted Mash


Wed Oct 6 2021
| by Quizmaster Tiffanee

Warm weather with a tinge of a crisp, refreshing fall like energy ushered in The first Wednesday in October. There was a comfortable, laid back vibe of the two new teams in attendance. 

The immediate friendly and helpful conversation was plentiful and assisted in setting the state for a good time to be had not all. 

From the very beginning in became clear that one of the new teams "Party of 2" were going to be a force to be reckoned with. Not only were they members of the team surprisingly pleased with their unexpected participation for the evening, but they were a welcomed comedic pleasure for everyone. 

When it appeared that team "Party of 2" were in the leading spot, both of the remaining teams "The Winners"and "Clams" went double or nothing and brought the game closer than it had been. However, in the end team "Party of 2" pulled out the victory, with 2nd and 3rd being decided by a close margin. 

In the end everyone was delighted and promised to be back often!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 35566 Party of 2 59 2 1.000
2 35565 clamz 51 1 0.500
3 35562 Winners 45 0 0.000


Wed Sep 29 2021
| by Quizmaster Tiffanee

Greetings and salutations! My name is Tiffanee' and I I'm the new quiz Master for trivia nights held at Tilted Mash in my beloved hometown of Elk Grove, Ca. 

As an entrepreneur, and honestly just one of my natural characteristics, is that I love & have a passion for bringing people together to celebrate the important times in life, and to foster relationships rooted in community. 

Getting together with those individuals who bring a smile to your face, Why I'm also enjoying great food and even better craft beer, can never be anything but enjoyable. My first night as a quiz master and was no exception. 

The friendly banter, along with the newly acquired  and shared knowledge ; created an ideal environment for an evening  of friendly competition.  An overabundance of positive vibes filled the atmosphere, which resulted in a enjoyable evening for all!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 31739 Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers 45 5 1.000
2 34920 Winners 43 4 0.800
3 34959 Icecream4lyfe 29 3 0.600
4 34957 CrookedSmiles 23 1 0.300
4 34960 Chaotic Good 23 1 0.300
6 34919 Kool Kids Klub 0 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Sep 22 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

Alright I knew I told you all I was saying goodbye to this venue, but due to a twist of fate, I am back by unpopular demand to serve you all for one last last night of trivia as your beloved host. I met with Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers and a new team Core Four, as we faced off about sports, art, geography, pop culture, and all things trivia.


Your trivia host's score: 17 (I'm an asset to your team, but just barely)

*******************Fun Fact of the Week*************************

For this week's picture round, we had our teams name the art pieces pictured. One I recognized immediately as The Great Wave. This painting was made by the artist Hokusai during the early 18th century. Hokusai quickly became a household names when he shifted his attention away from portraits and into landscapes. He had a terrible run of luck in his personal life to say the least having both his children and both of his wives pass before he did, and at age 50 he suffered a stroke and was struck by lightning which made it so he had to learn to draw all over again. Prussian blue became available to Hokusai and at the age of 70, he painted a collection called 35 views of Mr. Fuji. One piece in this collection is the great wave which features three boats beneath a large wave which was a metaphor for the long isolated Japan fearing the end of its isolation at the hands of a world that had industrialized much faster than them, and that the ocean which once protected them would be used against them. 

At age 70, Hokusai claimed "Everything i've done before the age of 70 isn't really worth mentioning". I have spoken in the past about inspiring figures, but take a page from Hokusai's book. Don't worry about your age and comparing yourself to cohorts. You do your own thing. Whatever brings you joy. Hokusai never stopped doing what he loved and lived to the old age of 89 when the life expectancy was 50, and he created art until his dying day.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 34213 Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers 39 1 1.000
2 34214 Core Four 33 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker