Hops & Scotch

7001 Sunne Ln #100
Walnut Creek CA 94597
(925) 378-7980
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 6:00pm
About Hops & Scotch

Whisk(e)y originates from Gaelic for “water of life”. According to author David Broom, the Scots and Irish Gaelic translation of this is uisge beatha. This referred to a proto-whisk(e)y redistilled with spices and herbs and the straight version became known as 'usky'."

Now is it Whiskey or Whisky? In short, the spelling "whiskey" is common in the United States and Ireland. The rest of the world, including Japan, Scotland and Canada, uses "whisky."

Bourbon, Rye, Single Malts, Blends - they're all whisk(e)y. There is no one right way to drink all whisk(e)ys. Whether you drink it neat or on the rocks, whisk(e)y is one of America's most beloved spirits.  Enjoying this beverage is a personal journey that could easily change from week to week, day to day, drink to drink.

You'll find that many whisk(e)ys are greatly enhanced by ice, but you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't at least try the whiskey neat. Have you tried your Scotch with a few drops of mineral water?  A splash of water can be a great thing as it releases the hydrophobic elements in the glass, allowing you to detect more aromatics on the nose, and by lowering the alcohol content, it can allow you to taste more flavors on your palate.

At Hops & Scotch we have over 450 types of whisk(e)ys ranging from American Bourbon to Japanese Whisk(e)y.  Whether you like your rye neat or your Scotch with a drop of mineral water, or your bourbon with our ice spheres molded at the bar, Hops & Scotch is sure to have something to please your palate!


Mon Oct 5 2020
| by Quizmaster Shannon Holbrook

  1. A fun evenly matched game! Fun to play beneath the oak trees and the stars! 3 teams entered the trivia arena: the Hazy maybez, the Hops and Dog and Team WineoMite.

At round 5 all three teams ranked evenly with 18 points! Then Wine-o-mite pulled ahead and took the night with 27 points! Followed hotly by Hops and dog with 26 points and coming 3rd the Hazy Maybes. Fun times and tasty food!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Wineomite 27 2 1.000
2 Hops and Dog 26 1 0.500
3 Hazy Maybez 24 0 0.000


Mon Sep 28 2020
| by Quizmaster Paul Benson

It was a hot night at Hops & Scotch...quite literally; we were in the middle of another heat wave. But that didn't stop the patio from being packed.

WYNNERZ intended to live up to their name, making a big move in round 2 with a double or nothing to take the lead. MMA wasn't going to let that go unchallenged, and hit their own double or nothing the next round to pull almost even with them.

MMA pulled into the lead in round 4, but then it looked like they didn't get their answers in for round 6, putting WYNNERZ back in the lead. It turned out they had accidentally entered the round 6 questions in the round 7 sheet, but it was moot...they did a double or nothing in the final round to make them the incontestable winners.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 MMA 57 3 1.000
2 WYNNERZ 47 2 0.667
3 The Quizzard of Oz 45 1 0.333
4 Beer Bitches 7 0 0.000


Mon Sep 21 2020
| by Quizmaster Paul Benson

Wow...six months without trivia! It was great to be back at Hops & Scotch, and other than the masks, it was like slipping into a comfortable pair of shoes.

The first few rounds were pretty rough for all the teams. Seems like not too many people in attendance were big MCU fans! The dynamic really shifted in the Guess Who round, with RBG Forever nailing the 10-pointer, and Calvin hitting the 6-pointer. But a couple of double or nothings in round 6 shook everything up, and suddenly Squirrel Squad jumped into the lead, with Latinas Unidas tying RBG Forever for second.

That remained through the end of the game, with Squirrel Squad taking first place for the night and second place had to be decided by the tiebreaker question. Latinas Unidas had a good guess, but RBG Forever nailed it...the sports fan on their team knew the exact answer.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Squirrel Squad 34 4 1.000
2* RBG Forever 30 2 0.625
2 Latinas Unidas 30 2 0.625
4 Calvin 28 1 0.250
5 Backyard Bitches 14 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker