Pineapple Hill Saloon

4454 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys CA 91403
(818) 789-0679
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


Tue Jul 2 2019
| by Quizmaster Milo Shearer

There was "Free Smoke" in the "Hot 'n Heavy" air. "Car Pie" was served and the "Darts" were flying so fast some folks had to go "Running with Caesars". "Mr. 'N'" stared down "Quiz Kid Donnie Smith" over "The Kids' Table" while under it scurried "Shitty Beatles". "Team M+J" and "The Betty's" made nice like "Sister Sister" doing some shots of "Tequila Mockingbirds"

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10155 Tequila Mockingbirds 78 10 1.000
2 10038 The Kids Table 72 9 0.900
3 11713 Quiz Kid Donnie Smith 67 8 0.800
4 13489 Car Pie 61 7 0.700
5 15760 Free Smoke 59 6 0.600
6 10474 Running With Ceasars 51 5 0.500
7 Hot 'n Heavy 50 4 0.400
8 Darts 43 3 0.300
9 Mr. 25 2 0.200
10 Sister Sister 23 1 0.100
11 The Betty's 18 0 0.000


Tue Jun 25 2019
| by Quizmaster Milo Shearer

could "Tequila Mockingbirds" overcome returning veterans "Foam the Love of God'? Was "Grossly Unprepared" going to defy their name? Would "Okay, well first of all" bring a challenge to the seasoned teams?

Yes! Yes to all! we had a raucous night punctuated with Tiramisu and fine beverages as teams racked up the points until only three could claim giftcards.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10155 Tequila Mockingbirds 94 11 1.000
2 10474 Running With Ceasars 93 10 0.909
3 20836 Foam the love of God 73 9 0.818
4 13489 Car Pie 66 8 0.727
5 16951 Birthday Party Satan 64 7 0.636
6 19639 Grossly Unprepared 56 6 0.545
7 Okay, well first of all... 55 5 0.455
8 11796 We Drink and we Know nothing 53 4 0.364
9 10038 The Kids Table 45 3 0.273
10 10128 There's Always Next Week 35 2 0.182
11 Fuk it hard-Thai 32 1 0.091
12 13444 Piper’s Posse 27 0 0.000


Tue Jun 18 2019
| by Quizmaster Mark Youngs

Great game tonight at Pineapple Hill. Four teams were perfect through the first 3 rds, with a cluster bomb of doubling all through the first 3 rounds, including all but 2 teams successful in rd 3. A 4-way tie for 1st place after round 4, which produced all but two 8s (the other two were 6s). Round 5 was the krytonite to the game, breaking up the 1st-place logjam and spreading out the scoring. The last 2 rds produced a few failed doubles, as teams looked to keep pace, which further spread out the scoring pattern.

Both Meta 4s and The Kids Table came from middle of the pack, with successful doubles in rds 6 & 7 to take 2nd and 3rd, respectively. Kids were fortunate that they turned in their pen, as they held 3rd by that 1 point over There's Always Next Week, who also successfully doubled in the last rd.

Our champions, Tequila Mockingbirds, nearly had a perfect game. In rd 4, they just missed by scoring on the second clue for 8 pts, and they chose not to double in round 5. With their bonus points for team number and turning in their pen, they missed a perfect game by 12 pts. What a treat to watch this play out.

Congrats to Tequila Mockingbirds!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10155 Tequila Mockingbirds 101 9 1.000
2 Meta 4s 91 8 0.889
3 10038 The Kids Table 88 7 0.778
4 10128 There's Always Next Week 87 6 0.667
5 10474 Running With Ceasars 74 5 0.556
6 15760 Free Smoke 66 4 0.444
7 10274 More popcorn 65 3 0.333
8 Sweet and Low 59 2 0.222
9 Dick Van Dick 41 1 0.111
10 16951 Birthday Party Satan 37 0 0.000