Idle Hour

4824 Vineland Ave
Los Angeles CA 91601
(818) 980-5604
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


Tue Aug 31 2021
| by Quizmaster Adam Korenman

Apparently some of you have been reading these recaps, because I often ask for you to come join us at Idle Hour every Tuesday night at 8PM. I say this because the ENTIRETY OF NOHO showed up to play the country's favorite pub trivia (citation needed). 

It was a gridiron of guessers this Tuesday evening as 24 teams descended on the wonderful Big Barrel to try their luck at an intense game of knowledge. While a few patrons decided late in the game to join the fun, the majority of our players had 6-plus member squads ready to divvy up responsibilities during this showdown. 

The first few rounds handily went to old hats Generals Washington and the newcomer (and excellently named) Quiz Me Like One of Your French Girls. (Side note, the pun game for team names tonight was off the chart, hook, and wagon). For three rounds, the leaderboard hardly moved. 

Then came the sudden shift. Our drinking round featured a bit of history, with a guess for when Trail Mix (or Gorp/Scroggin) first entered the world. The experts at Wikipedia say around 1913, but we're playing Price is Right 99% of the teams failed out right away. But the lucky folks at Bingbong threw down a crazy guess at 1890 and took the free shots!

With the reality of this competition now starkly in everyone's minds, the mood grew serious. Side chatter died out and smack talk ruled the day. For the next two rounds, the leaderboard could hardly stand still. By the end of Round 6, the top ten teams were mere points apart. It was honestly anyone's game. 

Round 7 split the winners from the losers (as so often happens in these particular competitions). More than a few teams risked it all with a double or nothing...only to miss a vital question. This left our top three as tight as we've seen here at Idle Hour. 

While we of course celebrate You're a Quizzard, Harry for their outstanding win, we can't help but marvel at the moxxy of Donald Tramps. They were down and out in Round 6, but turned it all around with an impressive rally to third place. 

Every team should be proud of their performance, as this was a banner evening at NoHo's hottest location. If you're itching for a piece of the action, come down to Idle Hour next Tuesday night at 8PM!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 32648 You’re a quizzard Harry! 47 23 1.000
2 32638 Quiz Me Like One of Your French Girls 46 22 0.957
3 32646 Donald Tramps 41 21 0.913
4 32628 Taylor Eat Hair 40 20 0.870
5 32642 The General Washingtons 35 19 0.826
6 32633 Bottom of the Barrel 33 18 0.783
7 32653 Rhea 32 17 0.739
8 32650 The Nathans 30 16 0.696
9 32635 Snark Squad 29 14 0.630
9 31181 Baby Janes 29 14 0.630
11 10330 Intravenus De Milo 28 13 0.565
12 32630 The Wizard Sleeves 27 12 0.522
13 30299 Bingbong 26 11 0.478
14 12601 Shut the f*@k up, Donny! 25 9 0.413
14 32649 Zaddy warbucks 25 9 0.413
16 32632 1990s Pop Group The Bonus Boys Plus Some Friends Also 24 8 0.348
17 32629 The IT Crowd 23 7 0.304
18 32651 Waxed vaxxed spending our income tax 21 6 0.261
19 32655 Double Condor 20 5 0.217
20 28849 Hope this Email finds you Well 18 4 0.174
21 32637 Ground Control 17 3 0.130
22 32636 Trivia Dukakis 11 2 0.087
23 32641 My Drinking Team Has A Trivia Problem 10 1 0.043


Tue Aug 24 2021
| by Quizmaster Adam Korenman

What a night at Idle Hour! You know we like to bring on Tuesdays, but this was something special. 15 teams, Cazadores drink specials, and the amazing energy of was a recipe for excellence. 

With a few returning faces, we got down into quiz town with a powerful opening round. Bill and Melinda Gates took a big risk with a Double Down, securing a lead...and they wouldn't let it go the entire game!

With such a powerful team at the top of the board, the rest of the pack grew hungry. Points were flying as teams risked it all for big wins...or shattering losses. General Washingtons rose and fell by inches, scraping at the top three for most of the game. Snark Squad equally came to play, and a true battle for the ages commenced. 

After the surprisingly difficult Guess Who round, we took a break for a few shots by guessing the overall land mass of Ukraine (like you do). While there were some wild guesses, two were wildly close. Chardonyay, true to their spirit-loving name, earned a free round a shots for the table. 

Unfortunately, as they later admitted, those shots might have robbed them of their zest for the test. Their time near the top of the boards was at an end, but what a way to go!

As we rounded into the final stretch, Five teams were only points away from one another for the top spots. With their commanding lead dwindling, Bill and Melinad Gates needed to pull out all the stops to clinch the win. 

That's when our game-long winners came over to the QM to admit they actually couldn't hear that well and didn't know their score. They had lead the game by sheer will alone! But would knowing their place actually harm their chances?

As the final grains of sand fell from the metaphorical hourglass, the final scores were tallied and three winners selected. It was a hard fought battle, but our champions earned their accolades and gift cards. 

You don't want to miss another instant of this trivia thunderdome. Come on down to Idle Hour eveyr Tuesday night at 8PM. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 26642 The bill and Melinda gates shaky foundation 11686 60 14 1.000
2 32154 Dan Nicky Your Bobbie S 57 13 0.929
3 12601 Shut the f*@k up, Donny! 52 12 0.857
4 32145 Snark Squad 44 11 0.786
5 10072 General Washingtons 37 10 0.714
6 32162 Red Rockets 36 9 0.643
7 32159 Chardonyay 35 8 0.571
8 28849 Hope this Email finds you Well 31 6 0.464
8 32164 R2D2 31 6 0.464
10 32152 Sherlock Homies 25 4 0.321
10 32161 Salmon Gang 25 4 0.321
12 32160 spank me 24 2 0.179
12 32163 Yank my Brit 24 2 0.179
14 32148 The Birders 21 1 0.071
15 32155 Decaf Columbia 19 0 0.000


Tue Aug 17 2021
| by Quizmaster Adam Korenman

This one was one for the record books, folks. Idle Hour is known for its great food and beverages, but tonight we saw KT history in the making. 22 teams packed the house at every angle, crammed in tight so they could each fight for a piece of that sweet quiz-licious pie. It was a down and out rumble, and this QM was only too ready to begin. 

With so many teams, there was of course the usual jockeying for top position...yet surprisingly little trash talk. Players were packed so tight together that, on at least one occasion, and overly excited exclamation of the correct answer spread like wildfire from table to table. 

By the midway point, we were looking at a stacked leaderboard. It was time for a quick break for the drinking round. The QM asked about the length of the Canadian coastline. While guesses were mostly wild and innaccurate, one team took an amazingly accurate shot in the dark. While still off by a few thousand kilometers, they were far and away the closest and won free shots for the table. 

When it came down to Round 7, the first place spot was all but secured. Newbies had doubled nearly every round, and it was a powerful performance to say the least. But the leaderboard was far from spoken for. It was anyone's guess who would come out on top. 

As it turns out, three teams wanted it, and we had a tie-breaker round to decide Third Place. With a decent guess, Fartin Van Buren took their place in trivia history. 

Idle Hour puts on a great show every Tuesday night at 8PM. Come and join us, but bring your A game. The locals play for keeps. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 31628 The newbies 77 21 1.000
2 31619 Dance Like Nobody’s Listening 59 20 0.952
3* 10773 Fartin' Van Buren 56 19 0.905
4 31624 FreeBritneyBeers 55 18 0.857
5 31616 Ammonite Shyamalan 51 17 0.810
6 31606 The fringe of society 49 16 0.762
7 31609 Beers and Queers 42 15 0.714
8 31627 Adults on scooters 34 14 0.667
9 31613 Eleven 32 13 0.619
10 31611 Tequila Mockingbird 29 12 0.571
11 31636 The Wrong Answers 25 11 0.524
12 31615 Double_Jeopardy 23 10 0.476
13 31641 Wet Log 21 9 0.429
14 31599 The Bermuda Triangle 19 6 0.302
14 31601 EXTRA RANCH 19 6 0.302
14 31626 Bluprint 19 6 0.302
17 31607 Traitor Jill 15 5 0.238
18 31617 Team Wally 14 4 0.190
19 31603 Bash and Pal 8 1 0.063
19 31610 Four letter words 8 1 0.063
19 31621 Fuck Joe Biden 8 1 0.063
22 31639 Blue 6 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker