Idle Hour

4824 Vineland Ave
Los Angeles CA 91601
(818) 980-5604
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


Tue Aug 10 2021
| by Quizmaster Adam Korenman

You can't ask for a better trivia showdown than we bring every Tuesday at Idle Hour. The Big Ol' Barrel was a rocking this night as 12 teams arrived with hunger in their eyes and trivial knowledge in their brains. All that remained was for one Quiz Master to lead them on this journey. 

Things got off to an exciting start as three teams hit a double off the first round! With blood in the water, these Tuesday Night Troublemakers opened up the floodgates. All bets were off as—round after round—teams swapped the top seat like it was a game of musical chairs. 

It was anyone's game as we entered the Drinking Round. New York Touch had the closest guess, earning some free shots courtesy of our gracious venue. 

As we went into the finale, six teams had equal share of points and chance of taking the win. As Round 7 came to a close, every team held their breath to see if they had secured a victory. 

While the Brojans and New York Touch delivered powerhouse performances, it was the elite team of Trey Dongz clinching the big win tonight. 

If you missed out, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Come join us any Tuesday night for more King Trivia action!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 25527 Trey Dongz 74 11 1.000
2 31180 New York Touch 70 10 0.909
3 31182 Brojans 69 9 0.818
4 31177 General Washingtons 63 8 0.727
5 31183 Decaf Colombia 61 7 0.636
6 13287 Steve Sleeve 58 6 0.545
7 31181 Baby Janes 47 5 0.455
8 31179 Perpetually Second Place 38 4 0.364
9 31185 The Brain Sharts 35 3 0.273
10 31190 Margarita Maidens 33 2 0.182
11 31193 Vaxed & Waxed 17 1 0.091
12 31186 Boston Zeros 16 0 0.000


Tue Aug 3 2021
| by Quizmaster Adam Korenman

The Chaos Gem was in effect at Idle Hour! Technical difficulties, crashed systems, and 10 teams all vying for the top spot amidst all the turmoil. Fortunately, it wasn't this QM's first rodeo, and the show must always go on. 

Things started slow in the first few rounds as timid newcomers discovered their trivia knowledge, but didn't yet trust themselves enough to double down. That changed in round 5 as each and every team discovered a well of courage sitting somewhere at the bottom of their third and fourth drinks. 

That's when good ol' Murphy arrived, as we had a sudden shutdown of the online system! With teams struggling to find their answers, this QM rushed into action...and called a 5 minute technical timeout. Thankfully, we had pens and paper enough to catch everyone one, and scores were checked and double checked to make sure they went in the right direciton. By round 6, all systems were a go and we were back in action. 

By this point, the top spot had shifted four times over. It was anyone's game. And then came round 6...the DOUBLE DOWN heard 'round the world. 

Readers, believe me when I say...Every. Single. Team. Doubled. 

But one missed a question!

With the leaderboard shook once again, we went into Round 7 to sort out the winners from the whiners. It turned out that Dr. Spaceman was a bit savvier when it comes to British pop bands, and they secured their win by a scant 2 points. 

It was an EPIC throwdown, with some bobbing and weaving as only King Trivia knows how. If you're in NoHo on Tuesday, come on down to Idle Hour for the best trivia this side of the Mississip*!



*We have no proof that is true, don't check us please

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 30753 Dr. Spaceman 67 9 1.000
2 30283 Hunky Dory 65 8 0.889
3 10072 General Washingtons 64 7 0.778
4 30747 Cuomotion Sickness 60 6 0.667
5 30754 da moscow mules 58 5 0.556
6 30742 The Keg of Glory 57 4 0.444
7 30741 Midnight Power Walkers 54 3 0.333
8 30731 Preschool Dropouts 53 2 0.222
9 30730 Proust 17 1 0.111
10 30734 Goin for the Gold 14 0 0.000


Tue Jul 27 2021
| by Quizmaster Adam Korenman

What happens when 14 teams come to dinner and didn't know they needed to study for a test? A quiztastrophe in the making! Luckily, we had some truly S-teir guessers in the crowd tonight at Idle Hour. With an amazing group of energetic and hungry triviaphiles, it was bound to be an exciting time. 

Things started off slow as everyone learned the ropes of the new app, got to know their QM, and made a few wildly inventive spelling errors. It was enough to warm this Quizard's heart, but you don't earn points with affection. You earn them with right answers. 

Hunky Dory took a commanding lead early on, but their team couldn't quite put together some of the latter round answers, and suddenly the game grew tighter than my favorite shirt after I gained the Quarantine 15. As we entered Round 7, it was truly anyone's game. 

During the drinking round, a new group emerged from the middle of the pack as eager contestants. Singles might be hurting on the dating apps, but they were killing it on the trivia app as they came within swinging distance of the lead. 

Round 7 required a bit of geographical memory, but everyone knew their planet better than expected. We ended up with a single point ladder from first to second. Top dogs were Singles, followed by General Washingtons and I Meme, You Meme Me. 

As always, an amazing job by all the teams, and the entire Idle Hour crew. We can't for next week, so come on down and join the party. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 30300 Singles 54 13 1.000
2 10072 General Washingtons 53 12 0.923
3 30298 I meme you, you meme me 52 11 0.846
5 12116 4 Non Blondes 34 8 0.654
5 30278 Two for Tea 34 8 0.654
7 30292 Fuck These Masks 27 7 0.538
9 30279 Spam Cat 17 4 0.346
9 30309 Cut n chop 17 4 0.346
11 30280 vaxxedandwaxed 12 3 0.231
12 30304 Lalo’s 11 2 0.154
13 30299 Bingbong 4 1 0.077
14 30297 CassavetWE’s 3 0 0.000