The Lion & Crown - Allen

932 Garden Park Drive
Allen TX 75013
(972) 649-4311
About The Lion & Crown - Allen

Answer submission form

The Lion & Crown Pub, an English-style pub with a large and varied menu, is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. serving lunch, dinner and daily specials. The pub also offers a wide selection of fine wines and 38 beers on tap. Guests can watch sporting events on one of the many large TV screens or enjoy a nice night out on the patio. Different drink specials are available every day and live music on Friday and Saturday.


Thu May 6 2021
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Mirth and merriment were had in abundance last night at the Lion 

& Crown's weekly Thursday night King Trivia Pub Quiz as nine 

teams gathered to test their trivia tactics in tumultuous tournament! 

(Hey, it's a format, but I dig it!) 


Newbies King Henry the ? and Garlic Bread Mafia (great name!) 

hoisted their banners and jousted with old and new regulars alike. 

So Much Pressure returned, but cut out early. (Because, you know...  

Pressure.)  Sanitize or Die not only reapperaed but registered 

their team for that all important two point bonus!  (Now, if they 

could just control that urge to Double-or-Nothing!)  Ship It! and 

Pickles on a Plate (last week's champs) added their familiar gravitas 

to the proceedings while Binge Thinking made a comeback with a 

third palce win!  We had a metaphoric knife fight betwixt the 

Dallas Boolers Club and Velvet Hammered win they tied for first! 

VH won the day by getting closest to guessing the average cost 

per mile for fuel and maintenance for a medium sedan.  (Hah!  What 

a world!)  


L & C had a small reunion of sorts by the appearance of former 

bar tender and vivacious brunette, Marissa.  She used to work hard 

at getting Quiz Master Lou sloshed on his favorite tipple, Lounge 

Lizards (dark rum, amaretto, coca-cola and lime juice...  In case 

anyone's taking notes...)  Now relocated to New Mexico, Marissa 

came back to town for her father's funeral (our condolences, my 

dear) and dropped in to say hello.  She remarked to me that her 

dad was a trivia nut!  This quiz was dedicated to him.  


There's more but that's all the bytes I got for now.  A cyber 

attack depleted my stores.  Uh, the I-Cloud had a rain storm.  

Uh, there was a traffic jam on the information highway!  Oh...  

Don't you know technology is here for our convenience?!?  Have 

a great weekend before they run out!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 26203 Velvet Hammered 59 7 0.938
1 19780 Dallas Boolers Club 59 7 0.938
3 17668 Binge Thinking 56 6 0.750
4 11827 pickles on a plate 52 5 0.625
5 11504 Ship It 51 4 0.500
6 King Henry ? 48 3 0.375
7 Garlic Bread Mafia 46 2 0.250
8 26707 Sanitize or Die! 39 1 0.125
9 26429 So much pressure 38 0 0.000


Thu Apr 29 2021
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Business was industrious yet mellow at the old Lion & Crown last 

night as our usual Thursday night trysts of toasts and trivia 

tangoed triumphantly.  


Newbies Team Davidson and Kings of the Jungle joined in the fray 

with the latter acquitting themseles well by actually taking second 

place lead for a while.  If they had registered their team for 

that ever important two point bonus, there would have been a three 

way tie at game's end!  As it stood, a tie breaker for third place 

happened between the FNG's and Ship It! with the latter winning 

the draw by coming closest to guessing the length of time for the 

longest recorded Thailand kiss.  Pickles on a Plate brought home 

the bacon with a way out in front first palce win while one man 

army Velvet Hammered scored a second place victory.  The Dallas 

Boolers Club, though undermanned, still commanded with sheer presence even though they finished near the bottom.  


A fairly fine quiz from our trivia overlords tickled the gray matter 

of our players, though a bit heavy on the Hollywood side of pop 

culture.  Holly Hunter was the mystery girl of our Guess Who Round 

while full on celebrity worship dominated Round Six's match up of 

famous wives with their famous spouses.  (Obvously, many of the 

faithful were present since a couple of Double-or-Nothings went 

off successfully!)  Our single moment of desperation guesses delighted as one team ventured that the other half of the 80's Pop Duo Wham! was The Guy That Wasn't George Michael!  

Quiz Master Lou is signing off.  Hope to see you next week!  Watch 

the skies for a warning!  

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11827 pickles on a plate 70 6 1.000
2 26203 Velvet Hammered 54 5 0.833
3 11504 Ship It 37 3 0.583
3 26515 FNGs 37 3 0.583
5 Kings of the Jungle 35 2 0.333
6 19780 Dallas Boolers Club 30 1 0.167
7 Team Davidson 13 0 0.000


Thu Apr 22 2021
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Busy pub, people packed and trivia stoked, the Lion & Crown in 

Allen (aka Watter's Creek) looked deceptively quiet from the 

outside, but when show time arrived the pace picked up and the 

quiz questions flew!  


Regs Ship It!, Binge Thinking, Bumble Bees, Dallas Boolers Club

Velvet Hammered and now the FNG's assembled pat and welcomed newbies Chardie McDennis and Sanitize or Die!  Oh, and it was great seeing Karen and Steve come out of hibernation to play again.  Welcome back you guys!  


Ship It! tumbled from their third straight week of wins to the 

Bumble Bees who pulled a stunning leap into the lead in Round 

Five with a Doulbe-or-Nothing and stayed there to win first place 

by evening's end. Real drama with a tie breaker between the 

Boolers and Sanitize or Die for third and second place respectively 

with the latter shouldering out the former.  


Some more, great question sets from KTPQ Corp HQ with a lovely 

smattering of assorted minutia ranging from Doctor Who to Earth 

Day to Ancient History to science!  Our Round Three Theme Round 

centered on all things Hawaii.  Best wrong answer came from the 

wag who got his islands mixed up and went with the old standby 

of Kamanawannalea.  


That's the way it happened and Quiz Master Lou's stickin' to 

his story.  Have a good weekend while they last!  Later! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12918 Bumblebees 46 7 0.786
2 19780 Dallas Boolers Club 45 5 0.786
2 Sanitize or Die! 45 5 0.714
4 26203 Velvet Hammered 43 4 0.571
5 17668 Binge Thinking 28 3 0.429
6 11504 Ship It 27 2 0.286
7 Chardie McDennis 26 1 0.143
8 26515 FNGs 23 0 0.000